Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Just Some Sentences

It's Wednesday and I did not go to work today. Why you might be wondering? Well, it's because of a couple of reasons...

I have a squirrel friend in my attic. Well he's not really a friend, he's very unwelcome in there. When I got back from traveling I had a lovely hand written note from my neighbors telling me that they've watched him...or her...sneak in and out of the attic all week long. So, since I'm a gal who lives by herself, and is very self sufficient/independent, I'm going to make the trek to Tractor's Supply to buy some hole patcher-upper. That pesky guy...or gal... has got to go.

I have an appointment with Dr. Bain, the ENT that I'm convinced I keep in business. If you have sinus problems, he's the man to see, but I'm getting tired of all of the "procedures" that have to be done to my poor sinuses. I'm sure I've had more things poked in my nose, than most people have had poked in their body over a lifetime. Today's "procedure" is no small task- he has scheduled 2 hours with me. We'll see if I can breathe out of my left nostril once he's done.

That leads me to my next thought. I've got a high tolerance for pain and when I'm in the middle of a procedure, I always go to my "happy place." But I always get anxiety thinking about the amount of pain that he's going to put me through and that's what drives me crazy. Here's to hoping that this goes smoothly with the least amount of pain possible....yea right!

I get to have lunch with Mrs. Tanya Flieller Bean today, yay! She's been my best friend forever and even though we don't talk every single day...or week, we still can pick right up like it was just yesterday. My dad calls her his other daughter. I love that woman to pieces and we'll be dining here at 11:30!

Now for the real reason why I did not go to work today. I'm sure you read this post and after my appointment with Dr. Bain, I'll be making the 5 hour drive up to Granbury for his memorial services. I don't know how to feel at this point. I'm actually fighting with the emotional cycle that I've experienced. Part of me is relieved and peaceful about his passing because I know that he is no longer suffering and that those who were around everyday until the end are no longer suffering. But on the flip side, I'm angry, saddened, confused, and hurt that a 25 year old man with a beautiful wife and daughter could be taken from us at such an early age. I guess God truly only takes the best. I don't know how well I'll be able to hold up for the next 2 days. If you find yourself thinking about me or my family, please say a prayer for us.

That is all I've got for now. Time to run to Tractor Supply.

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